All of reality boils down to a. understand that you have been PUT in this world – and  for 5 reasons:The first is unconditional love ❤️- just like a parent gives birth to their child. 🧒👩‍🍼The second is the parent wishes that the child should make them proud. 👪So when we do goodness and kindness🫂 growth🌳 Torah and Mitzvos…The third is because love❤️ loves❤️ love ❤️and unity🤝 necessitates individuality which surpasses its ego for the sake of unity. 🤝The fourth is, you have something special to offer 🎁- everyone and everything is uniquely gifted in a special way. You must discover what is your special gift🎁 and share it. This will give you tremendous joy. 😄And light up the world.🌇