From The Baal Shem Tov: We find by Arab kings (this perhaps was in the olden days, though they still act like this) they merely allude (hint). Similarly, from time to time ideas pop into a person’s head (positive) these are hints from G-d.

Meditations and Advice of Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov – Installment 3

201 MEDITATION / ACTION When one serves Hashem all the time, there is not time for boasting, and the other negative character desires. MEDITATION / ACTION   Pretend you are not living on this planet, so what would it matter what people say! MEDITATION / ACTION   When you embark on doing a good thing,Continue reading “Meditations and Advice of Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov – Installment 3”

As Einstein said, “we know not the secret of the old Boss (how they would refer to G-d) but when we do, I am sure it will be both simple and beautiful” – in fact Einstein’s entire quest in science was as he called it to understand God’s mind – of course he couldn’t. – God’s mind it seems, as God himself says… “My thoughts are unlike your thoughts (to paraphrase) for everything I think becomes” – You see we are fundamentally creatures of experience (think… if you never experienced…. – never saw, heard, smelled, taste etc.) However behind our experiences lies the Divine intent – the first and foremost experience we have is actually of ourselves (if you never had an emotion, you wouldn’t know you were “real” – our powerful urges make us perceive ourselves – furthermore, the fact that when we cried we were fed, changed, burped, put to sleep… gives us a delusion of power – This is why two-year-olds start to throw tantrums; for as their desires get more sophisticated (like “driving the car” – they cannot reconcile the fact that someone who in their own vision is so powerful shouldn’t get their way (in fact this is what trauma is – an imbalance between perception of what reality is and what it is) But as Kabbalah teaches, we are (as God says) like a tree – a tree is always growing (as you know it continually adds rings) so in simple words, there is the simple beautiful absolute reality – each and every one of us is effectively God (this is what Kabbalah teaches, when it state “God breathed in the breath of life” “he placed Himself in man”) however while God is on earth, there is something absolutely awesome, namely, if we seek to grow (for desire skews logic – if you are seeking money, fame, intercourse, or conversely depressed (self-loathing) angry (other…) etc. you are not capable of growth) but as we become spiritual – as we leave the foolish predilections inspired by our animal spirit (mostly from those who have had their fill, as many in todays permissive society) then we enter into the Divine infinite realm