Why we need crap

    The reason crap was invented is because the Baal Shem Tov teaches us that life is a Yin-Yang process; by nature we are comprised of two divergent souls: one seeks crap, the other sublime spiritual truth; now ironically you may think that devoid the world of the crap the rest will fall intoContinue reading “Why we need crap”

Read the last blog because this is a continuation

This is why we don’t find anti-Semitism in the western world today, rather in the Eastern-European and Arabic world for as the western world is prosperous and the basic culture is one that unlike the past elevated the citizens to a status of dignity (you elect the king, the king doesn’t deselect you etc.) henceContinue reading “Read the last blog because this is a continuation”

To figure yourself out, ask yourself what you want; you may be surprised to see that what you want and what you do are opposites; for what you do is instinctual desires, which is a compulsion, like a drug addict; but what you want contains the beauty of your Divine soul.